Agriculture Site Certification Process
STEP 1: Pre-Assessment
To learn more about your operations on the site and to provide an overview of the Salmon-Safe process, our staff will schedule a call with you and one of our agriculture assessors. Our Salmon-Safe assessor will ask a series of questions to get to know the site’s ecological and geographic context as well as operational practices.
STEP 2: On-site Assessment

Following a successful pre-assessment, Salmon-Safe staff will assist you in scheduling an on-site visit with one of our assessors. During the on-site visit, our assessor will tour the site with you and determine how Salmon-Safe agriculture standards are being implemented on site.
Salmon-Safe agriculture certification is focused on 7 management practice areas - in-stream habitat protection and restoration, riparian area management, water use management, erosion and sediment control, integrated pest management and water quality protection, animal management and biodiversity conservation.
STEP 3: On-site Report
Following the on-site visit, our assessor and staff will prepare a report on findings, any conditions for certification, condition timelines and recommendations for continual site improvement. The report will be submitted to the landowner for review and signature.
STEP 4: Certification & Recognition
Following the acceptance of the conditions and recommendations cited in the report, certification is awarded. To celebrate this achievement and get the word out, Salmon-Safe staff will work with communications leads for the site to put together a publicity or recognition campaign.

STEP 5: Annual Review of Project Activities

Salmon-Safe’s agriculture certification cycle is 3 years pending the successful completion of any conditions for certification and any progress on recommendations. To follow up on these activities and provide support, Salmon-Safe staff will check in on an annual basis.
Interested in learning more about Salmon-Safe certification or beginning the process to certify your site? Reach out to our team at