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Firm Accreditation


Salmon-Safe accreditation for design, development, and construction firms is Salmon-Safe's newest offering. Salmon-Safe's designer & firm accreditation is a commitment by design and development professionals to key principles related to urban watershed stewardship.

Through thoughtful site planning, implementation of low-impact design solutions and the use of eco-friendly materials, site designers have the opportunity to contribute to the restoration of our urban watersheds. Salmon-Safe firm accreditation is for design consultants, land developers, and construction firms working on buildings, streets, parking areas, and related infrastructure with the intention of protecting downstream water quality and habitat while helping to restore urban ecological function.

We are currently in the process of certifying several firms in British Columbia. If you are interested in more information, read through the Salmon-Safe Accreditation Program (AP) Guidelines for Design and Development Professionals and the Salmon-Safe Accreditation Program (AP) Guidelines for Large-Scale Construction Management. If you are interested in becoming an accredited firm, please reach out to our team

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